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Emailed downloads and devotions calling your dreams to study the Bible, serve others (not ourselves) while experiencing

spiritual growth.


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This story began in the guest room of a small home.  I claimed it for my songwriting,

journaling, and inspiration while researching the wisdom of women before me who somehow seemed to conquer the world whether in the public eye or the space of their own home. 

Every website has a story that invites us to share our souls.  A need to share the pain, win's and losses in hopes to save others of future hurts.  If you read through these nooks and crannies I am certain you will find the broken, yet renewed, golden nuggets to encourage and revive the dreams of dreamers.  

In this safe space you'll find great opportunities that challenge you to give, to drink in a career's worth of love, and lack, while still in search of each woman at the well in desperate search of their abundance.
This is a new page where I plan on filling it gently, not slow (slow is not a word in my vocabulary).  My goal is to be candid and sincere with my journey in life as well as inside the very crazy, insane, ever unstable, never responsible music business.  I have kept each secret, especially the sad ones, quietly tucked away in the depths of my journals, Bible, heart, and soul, for what seems like a lifetime, but the aching in my heart could stand it no longer, and so here we are.  

Feel free to connect with me via email or on social media as we dive deep and grow together.   



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Promising Verses I Cling To Free Resource

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Sara Simmons Devotionals

Want More? 

SUBJECT: Free Resources Want More 

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Sara Simmons 2024 Blue Truck .heic
Sara Simmons I Just Wanna Feel This Feeling 2024  CD_edited.jpg
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